Sunday, February 25, 2024

My Wish

My wish
Rajiv Ranjan

Death awaits us all
Let it come when it comes
That's not in my hands
Yet when it comes, 
I want to go with a smile 
Bidding farewell to life 
Leaving behind
My honours and possessions 
Without attachment or regret
For they matter nothing
With gratitude to 
My family and friends
Who stood by me 
In times, good and rough
As I lie there surrounded 
By my loved ones 
What I desire,
When my soul
Hangs in there 
One last time 
To bid adieu
Before that final departure 
Let my good not 
Be cremated with me
But things that you did not like
Forgive me for my sins
Forget the hurt that I caused
Let by gones be by gones
Give me a place in your heart
And cherish the memories
However fleeting they may be 
As I leave, I leave 
A few lessons that I learnt
Be kind and compassionate 
To each other my dear people
There is so much suffering
Lend your ears 
To a sad person
For there is a story there
Silently crying to be heard
Not to be judged
Empathetically listen 
To a bleeding heart
Give emotional air to breath
Poor and helpless suffer the system
Extend a helping hand 
Oft women suffer indignities 
Discrimination is rampant
Unfurl her dreams in everyway
In taking care of others
She forgot to care for herself
Take care of her
There resides a child
In all of us 
Burried under social obligations
Let out that child
And let it enjoy life unfettered
For all has to an end some day 
With age silence grows on us
All are getting silent
All move away
Yet the longings remain
Learn to leave things 
As you go along 
Can't change anything
But ourselves
Accept what can't be changed
Or Remove it, if you can
If nothing works just rise up
And all shall appear so small
That's how I wish to say
Sayonara to life when time comes
And say, 'life you were kind and good' 

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